IJAM Volume 20 Number 3 (PDF)

ISSN/ISBN : 1480-8986
Pages : 100

Product: Journal

$53.00 CA


Dear Readers,

I leave it to our guest  editors, Philippe Chantepie, Sylvain Lafrance and Eloi Lafontaine Beaumier, to introduce this special issue dedicated to the Attention Economy. I thank these colleagues for their superb work in assembling this issue of the Journal. As the Attention Economy is attracting a growing number of researchers, it also fascinates all those interested in the ongoing transformation in the creation, management and distribution processes of artworks and cultural products. The papers published as part of this special issue were presented on 21 September 2015 at the conference “Culture et médias au défi de l’attention,” held in Paris and organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair of École Polytechnique and by Pôle médias HEC Montréal.

Three additional articles are included in these pages. The first, by Carole Martinez, Florence Euzéby and Jeanne Lallement, investigates the role of the venue when consumers are searching online for tickets for a show. While this may seem counterintuitive, the results illustrate that information about the venue is more important for well-known artists and this effect is moderated by the genre of the show. 

The second article, contributed by Yi Lin and François Colbert, reports on a strategic analysis of the audience segments for Chinese opera. Their work extends Hirschman’s analysis of the three major arts consumer segments in Western countries to Chinese and foreign audiences of Chinese opera; it also proposes a strategy for developing an international market for Chinese opera.

This issue of the Journal concludes with a Company Profile on the Louvre Abu Dhabi, which was opened in late 2017. This contribution by Anne Gombault and Didier Selles explores the international strategies of superstar museums. 

André Courchesne